Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Postcards from the Edge of the Sahara IV

A few male-female observations:
1. Women always follow behind men when they walk, never (OK, that's a bit strong; maybe rarely is a better word) side by side. I think it may take me a while to get used to that again (yes, Peter, I'm learning how not to be an unruly woman, aren't you proud of me?)
2. Grown men hold hands while walking down the street. That's normal. I suspect some of you might feel a bit queasy about doing that with your friends... :) I must admit, even to me, that looks a bit odd...
3. Women do not shake hands with men. That's considered being easy. That's a bit difficult when everyone wants to 'touch the white lady' (which has only caused me problems once). The only exception I've found to that rule is in the church amongst Christians, where I am allowed to shake brothers' hands. Although men and women sit on opposite sides of the church, so I still haven't quite gotten my head around who's doing what where.

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