Thursday, February 16, 2006


I realize, of course, that the entries that I put in over this next little while will definitely be seen as histrionic by those who won't particularly give a flying shit, and that really, I should just shut up and put up - and, of course, will get very angry that I would dare say so. That's fine, as I suppose people can have their own opinions, as misguided or incorrect that they might be. As I suppose I may be deluded/misguided into assuming that my opinions are histrionic. (Boy, I can really feel the anger now... if there is at least one positive thing I must say in all this, I can say that I am glad that I am free from living in oppression and fear of rage and violence...)
However (despite their distaste for such), I think there is some value in living 'in' the moment. I suppose I am a typical Romantic that way, as opposed to Enlightened. Perhaps it would have been best to be some mad genius (not that I'm not in some senses already - perhaps therein lay the fatal flaw - some people just cannot handle wit, and would rather have dullness and insipidity), locked in some garrett, producing my oeuvres by candlelight and weeping over the dramatic losses and perils of the world, while planning my ultimate demise by drowning in absinthe.
But I still contend there are those who do not give a flying shit. On the other hand, I've been told, neither should I... that's a bit harder as that's not in my nature....

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