Friday, August 04, 2006

Not for the faint of heart

Is it possible to be racist against ear wax? I mean, I have to deal with a surpringly large amount of it on a weekly basis, and I must say, I am not particularly fond of dealing with certain ethnicities' ear wax... I don't think this is exactly the place to explain exactly -what- is so distasteful about some people's ear wax compared to others, as I think my reasonings would probably turn some readers' stomachs... But what I am particularly wondering: Is racism fundamentally not wanting to associate, or be affiliated with, certain ethnicities or people groups because of certain unchangeable attributes of that group? If so, am I being racist if I don't particularly relish, and in fact, am quite reluctant to, clean out certain people groups' ears?

1 comment:

Canadi-Ann said...

Hmmm...I would have to say yes, that it's a form of racism. A strange one, but yes. :)

Hey, at least they clean out their ears! Not many people do.

I would have to say smells from different ethnicities are a turn off for me. :(

Hey, you can go back to my blog & find the website to figure out your Myers Briggs combo!