Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Birthday Poem

My gosh, I was cleaning up my email inbox, and I had forgotten that my cousin had written this for me for my birthday... it still makes me laugh like stink... I just wanted it posted here for posterity...

Congrats! Happy Birthday! and all the best!
Because you're another year older and closer to death

Is this a day to be happy or a day to be sad?
Well, being another year older isn't that bad.

Gaining experience, being wiser, and growing closer to God
hmmm, don't know what to say next, but "3 peas in a pod"

So when you really think, 28 to 29 is just a small jump..
Just wait 'till you're 30 then you'll feel like a grump.

Thank You. ^__^


P.S. Happy B-day!

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