Saturday, October 06, 2007

Fight for injustice! (but only if it helps me)

So, I figure, since I'm up again (despite going to bed after midnight last night), I might as well write something, even if it becomes a bit incoherent. I think there are many injustices and unfair situations in the world, but I find it interesting how the most pressing and the most important seem to occur when they happen to you, yourself. Certainly, I am finding myself at the short end of the stick, and disliking it very very much. However, what is even more maddening is how, for most injust and unfair situations, there is little recourse for rectifying situations. Sure, if it's technically a 'legal' matter, one does have the judiciary system in place to help with litigation and the like, but most other unfair situations do not have such avenues of restitution. Most, instead, often require the wisdom of Solomon, which also tends to be a bit scarce....

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