Thursday, November 22, 2007

Syria V

There are a lot of stray cats here in Damascus. Which is strange, as Arabs are not big fans of cats. However, they're also not willing to implement some sort of spaying program for them, so there are just a whole bunch of them roaming the streets.
Also, one thing that must be noted is the rich church history that is here in Syria. I have been to Crusader castles, ancient churches dating from the first to third centuries, and been awed by Roman excavation sites. I've also visited one of the few villages left that speak Aramaic, so that was kind of neat too. There are gobs of churches here, ranging from Orthodox to Catholic to Maronite to Protestant; it is wonderful to see the spectrum of believers here, as it is in sharp contrast to what is portrayed in the Western media...
It's interesting as there is currently an ad campaign going on TV through the Middle East basically saying that terrorism isn't cool and it isn't consistent with the teachings of Islam. But then, I saw a music video where it looked like the storyline for the singer was that she fell for a terrorist and they were running around in a car from the police, so I'm not exactly sure how this all pans out...

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