Monday, December 17, 2007

Hospital gafflebab

Now, I suppose, after just having delivered my first baby at the new hospital, I should say something about the new environs - it's a BIG hospital. To get from my new call room to some of the important places I have to be, I actually have to sprint up to 500m to get to where I need to go. This is not ideal in my line of work, but at least there's some adrenaline pumping by the time I get there!
I must say, clearly this hospital was designed for patient "wow factor" in mind, rather than also balancing the needs of the employees as well. What I mean to say is, yes, it's a gorgeous place, and yes, the patient facilities are beautiful and spacious, but the environs in which the health-care workers toil are less than stellar. It's a lot of design planning issues that make it very patient-friendly, but very worker-unfriendly (which, of course, is NOT a good idea long-term; hospitals should be designed to be worker-friendly, perhaps even more so than being patient-friendly).
It's not just me, of course. I've been quite impressed with some of the new equipment we've been given and the bells and whistles that come in the patient rooms. The nurses think I'm weird for how enthusiastic I've been today with all the new toys for patients. However, it has been fun, including hovercraft transfer mats and disco lights for the OR!

1 comment:

Canadi-Ann said...

Mathew's dad was at the fancy new hospital in the ICU & I gotta say that I was impressed! I'm not a patient nor a health care worker, but just an observer passing through.

There was a big hulk of a guy there in tears because his dad was on his last leg of the journey. His family hadn't arrived yet, and I just wanted to give him a hug. Sadly, the nurse came by to explain the situation to him & I missed my chance.