Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm a banana with... lemon filling???

I believe not since I entered undergrad have I noticed how fundamentally Asian I am, at the core, at the very ends of things.
It is a bit odd that here, in the most lily-white fair of locales, people notice my yellow core. Oddly, however, it was pointed out to me today that my yellow-ness is actually not Korean in nature (gasp!) but Chinese (bigger gasp!).
Now, for some of you, you know that almost verges on blasphemy. However, I do see what they're talking about. I know, I know, some would say that I have about as much Chinese-ness in me as blood in a stone.
It is strange, traveling all around the world, and gaining a deeper appreciation of what it means to be Canadian, but here, in one of the closest cultural parity countries to my own, I am stymied with being Korean on the outside, Caucasian inside, but with a deep East Asian core, molten gold, hot as dragon's breath, unyielding as jadestone.

1 comment:

Canadi-Ann said...

I'll take that as a compliment, but what have you done now?!