Sometimes I wonder about the herd mentality, especially in consideration of the current "economic crisis". I also wonder how families are getting through this period of time. I also wonder how much of it is contrived, and how much of it is real.
Let me explain: I'm OK, I'm not really at risk of losing my job at any time, and I'm still earning the same salary that I was earning before this "global meltdown" occurred (note that I am "" those terms, as I am not entirely convinced of these euphemisms). However, in running regular errands over the past few weeks, namely, Drive Clean tests, plate renewals (along with that dastardly new tax Miller's introduced!), prescription renewals (no drug plan), insurance payments, dental visits (no dental plan), etc etc etc, add up to a lot of cash-ola!
I actually verged on starting to get a bit worried that I wouldn't have enough to cover all these payments this month. Then, I wondered whether I was lacking in faith, thinking that just because my balance sheet didn't look like it was evening out this month, that God wouldn't eventually make it all work out. Then, I also wondered whether I even dared worry in the first place because the media told me I should be freaking out. Then, I thought about everybody else who is not in my position, that is, regular families, and I thought, dear goodness, how are these families with no benefits covering for their children's dental visits, their medications, their vehicle registrations and insurance payments, their mortgages, etc themselves? Then, I thought about families where one parent had recently lost a job, and how they were going to do. Then, I thought, how did we drive our society to such a position where two parents MUST work in order to be able to earn enough to house and feed their family? Then, I started thinking about a few other ethical issues that have popped up internationally, and thinking about sex slaves and child soldiers, and then I thought, gosh, God, we are a sinful and stiff-necked people, and of all the things I should worry about, the least should be whether or not I can cover my bicycle repair fees...
Then, I repented of all that, am not worrying about money anymore (for now, at least), and thinking about how broken and impoverished our poor souls are...
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1 comment:
Nicely put. While I worry sometimes too, outside of being responsible, there's nothing I can do about my own financial security. That's up to God, and He might have different plans for me than I do.
At the present though, it is more appropriate to worry for those who have to now live on much less, rather than for ourselves who still retain much of what we have.
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