Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why I should pay more attention in meetings...

How does one acquire vision and focus? Organizations usually coalesce around a vision statement, a mission statement and some sort of strategic plan in order to help determine what their mandate is, and what falls within and without that mandate.
Certainly, as the Church, we have that kind of organization and planning: Jesus has clearly told us what our mission statement is to be, and has given us vision as to our ultimate strategic plan, which is awesome.
However, when it starts from the general, applicable to the entire Church, and returns all the way back down to the individual, it becomes a bit more tricky. How does one determine what is 'best' to pursue? Though there may be an over-arching vision and mission statement for the whole Body, how that works itself out in each individual is a little bit different.
Strategic plans are useful in order to focus and train to determine how best to fulfill vision and mission. Organizations determine where their strengths lie, what abilities they have, determine where they'd like to see themselves in five to ten years, and then decipher some sort of path to get them there.
The question is, however, is how individuals get about to doing this. There are many good, perhaps even great, things that individuals can do, all of which may very well fulfill Grand Purpose, but the question becomes what is best, how to maximize gains and to be most effective for Kingdom building. This is something I get the sense that many people are rather complacent about; I don't know too many people who are striving to know what God would have them do. Mostly, though certainly not exclusively, people tend to be rather content to let the days and weeks roll by doing the same-old, same-old, with little thought and consideration to Grand Purpose. I want to be with those who wrestle the angel by night, those who strive to know Who is He that contends with us, to hold on with such strength and grip that they will not ever let go, not until they are renamed and renewed...

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