Thursday, January 06, 2011

Haiti Part II Episode II

I have many, many, many blindspots and biases, but I think I try very hard to keep an open, non-judgmental mind in viewing and weighing the values of the 'other'. However, the breathless confidence that some hold about how they are the sole keepers of truth and they are the only, privileged ones who have been given the mandate to bring it to those poor, black people gives me the creeps. I've written before of those who wore shirts that said, "God is now coming to Haiti" - presumptuous. Thinking that God has never been there previously. Thinking that they are the repositories of God. Thinking that the Church does not exist here, or does absolutely nothing.
It continues: the denigration of local pastors who spend long hours loving and praying for their countrymen. The assurance that parroting back the "sinner's prayer" allows them to tick off another "saved soul". The sheer arrogance in asserting that Haitians have never known love before, which is why we are so privileged to bring it to them (WHAT??). The worldview that assures itself that Haiti is a land of Satan that needs to suffer conquest and victory over it. All of it, heinous.
I think another friend, in another context, has put it better than I:

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