Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's not exactly walking on water, but...

This semester I've been co-ordinating a missions course, as some of you well know. There have been some personal great blessings from it, as well as great disappointments as the semester has been progressing. However, one small thing that has not ceased to amaze me is how He has managed to make me not late, ever, for getting there to prep and to pray. This is amazing, in that I have to leave exactly at 1600hrs from the office in order to make it home, maybe get some time to eat something, and then get over to the course. However, when's the last time that a doctor's office ever ends exactly on time?
Now, I am a dictator with the clock, so I rarely go overtime by more than five minutes, however, when a minute here and there accumulate, it doesn't take long before you're 20-30 minutes over time (which is why, people, it's important to get to your doctor's offices on time!). Usually, I can't free myself from patient chatter and paperwork till about 1630hrs on a usual day.
Incredibly, however, week after week this entire semester, I have been done seeing patients, finished my charting, EVERYTHING, and clear to go by 1600hrs at the very latest. This is nothing short than a miracle, week after week.
I keep on walking around, holding my breath, waiting for my "luck" to run out, and it has not yet. I suspect it is no longer luck. Even this afternoon, with the slots booked up to the rafters, and several chronic late-arrivals on the list, I still managed to finish everything by 1553hrs. Amazing. Somehow, every single person this afternoon actually showed up early for their appointments. Amazing.
To me, this is a small miracle, as this does not happen on a regular, consistent basis, at all. Heck, I've even had a bit of time to blog about this before I head out! Now that is something that is praise-worthy...


Anonymous said...

God is doing something in that class of yours! Keep those eyes open. :)

Anonymous said...

that is way cool. i like stories like that, encouraging.