I'm kind of embarrassed: I keep up with quite a few friends' blogs, and, though some have not posted for months, if not weeks, I still do check them regularly. However, one of my friends, who mainly writes about her experiences of food (particularly Chinese food), throwing in a few recipes here and there as well, has had three posts (count 'em! THREE!) over the past weekend.
I'm trying hard by putting this one up too, so at least I can say I had two this weekend, I guess.
I have been up to interesting things here and there, but nothing concrete enough in my head to try to put down on paper (or screen, as it were) yet. I did go over to a friend's church this morning, where he has recently taken over as their pastor. I totally love listening to his preaching, as I always find I learn something significant every time I hear him from the pulpit. Today was no exception to that rule.
However, I've realized it's a challenge to be clergy. I realize that it is an isolating life, which is ironic in a faith that depends on community to have it run properly. However, clergy, being in positions of authority and as the moral compass of the community, need to be able to keep their bearings straight for the sake of the community. Their accountability, their socializing, their ability to really let loose and be themselves, can only really be done in the context and the safety of their friends outside of the church. It is funny, in a way, to see him preach, knowing him as I do, in ways that his congregation does not.
I imagine it is also even more isolating in the context that he is unmarried while serving in this congregation. I think, after a bunch of us went to his ordination service, that I'm his first friend to come to his regular service. After the service was over, I couldn't stay long, but he asked if I wanted to stay a bit for the coffee time. Certainly, I said, but I don't want your congregation thinking that I'm your girlfriend or something. Well, he said, that would actually probably make my life easier. Turns out, several of the older congregants have already suggested hooking him up with daughters and granddaughters, and there are a few single women in the congregation as well. So, I said, sure, I'll be your imaginary girlfriend for now, and then you can dump me when it's convenient for you. We'll see if that has them laying off on him for a while, though I don't think I looked like I was that much competition, to be sure...
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I agree with you, it is kind of sad how they tend to feel isolated. Do you think it's because we have a tendency to like some unsavoury things and feel more self-conscious around our pastors, or because they have a position of authority/influence and the perceived difference in rank makes it harder for us to relate with them, or is it because we're not as invested in our churches (and thus in cooperation with our leaders) as we ought to be? The Bible commands the church is to love each other and that servants such as elders and overseers are deserving of honour. It appears the reverence that has come with that honour has been of the impersonal kind which inhibits love. You're right, it is ironic.
I'm glad you are able to be that personal link for your pastor friend.
Another issue (speaking from personal experience), is that congregations (or people within them) can sometimes cause so much pain to their pastors from their expectations that he's somehow not completely "human" and become modern-day Pharisees looking to catch every slip-up, so he often doesn't feel that he can "let down his guard"...of course, many churches are filled with these people, who don't extend the grace they've been given from our loving Father to the people around them. Wouldn't it be great if more church congregations accepted that we're all sinful, and God has been über-gracious to us...and as a result, we should be showing that same grace to others? People would be knocking the doors down to get in!
On a totally different note, aren't these word verifications sometimes a riot? How's this one? regaftid...what would be a good definition for that? :)
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