Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Postcards from the Edge Episode XI Part III

Hello! I know I haven't written since my first few impressions of Sioux Lookout, but after that, I was mainly working and going to church, so nothing terribly earth-shattering...
I am now, however, in Wiarton, Ontario, home of Willie, groundhog extraordinaire. For those who are geographically retarded because they were raised in Toronto (like myself), Wiarton is found on the Bruce Peninsula, a beautiful little part of the province that is, not surprisingly, a peninsula. It juts out between Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. Wiarton is found on the
Georgian Bay side, on the edge of a bay called Colpoy's Bay. Nice town. I'm also doing a clinic in Sauble Beach, which has been voted best beach in Ontario. It actually is quite nice, and, so far, less touristy than Wasaga.
However, it's bigger claims to fame lie with the fact that it lies right on the Bruce Trail, and, of course, the groundhog. I just walked by Willie's house today. Did you know he actually has a corrugated metal HOUSE???? Holy cannoli, who would've figured that one little albinio groundhog would outsmarten a whole bunch of humans to make him a two-storied (for a ground hog) house, with windows, little (caged) porch, and all the straw you could throw a matchstick at? Also, on the edge of the bay is a statue of Willie, which I, of course, took a picture of for CERTAIN people who wanted to know
what he looked like. :P
At any rate, it's quite a nice place to do a short w/e trip, especially to do some of the trails, so anyone in the Toronto area who wants to make the drive up, lemme know!
Love you all!