Friday, September 04, 2009

In a pickle!

So, I just accomplished my first set of canned pickles today! Of course, this is not my first venture into canning, but, not being a huge pickle fan, the thought of making pickles just didn't really appeal to me.
However, having received an heirloom organic watermelon in my most recent CSA box, I figured it was about time to make some watermelon rind pickles.
Watermelon rind?!? You can eat that? Why, yes you can. I figured to minimize the trauma to my worms in having to eat through the entire peel of a watermelon, I would spare them from as much of that as possible, and instead preserve the rind for the winter.
Pickle, of course, is a bit strong of a word when you're talking about watermelon rind, however. It's really more of a sweet pickle, flavoured with cinnamon and cloves, enhancing the inherent sweetness of the fruit itself.
Now, I'm not going to be opening these babies for a few months, so we'll see how that all turns out when I pop open the jar, but I'm quite looking forward to it.
Ironically, the G&M had an article about pickling today, which I didn't see until after I'd finished boiling the jars. Apparently, I'm part of the urban hipster movement that's involved in canning.... humph... I don't like the notion of being an urban hipster at all...

1 comment:

Jenny Lo said...

yummmm....sounds good!