Monday, January 04, 2010


I fully recognize that the privilege, options, choices and freedoms I have are a completely foreign notion to most women in the world, not only today, but from ages past to present. It is a massive amount of grace that has been shown to me, way out of proportion of anything I certainly deserve, that's for sure. The very facts that I can walk around freely, can read, am able to vote, can speak to men not of my own clan or family group without repercussion, can negotiate my sexual rights, let alone be able to pursue higher education or have few financial worries, are staggering at best, but also historically unprecedented in the world.
However, in quoting Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility, or, more seriously, to whom much has been given, much will be demanded. This is where the dilemma lies: many great and weighty choices face us, many of which are good, but choosing what is best is very difficult.
In some ways, having no option is very easy - you have no choice in the matter, so you carry on with the load you have to bear. Now, in reality, this is not easy at all. Not easy when you have no choice but to work two minimum wage jobs so you can keep up with rent. Not easy when you are illiterate and are coerced into being trafficked. Not easy when you run away from an abusive home and end up on the streets. Not easy if you have minimal education and can't get out of the poverty trap.
However, for those of us who aren't in that kind of a bind, we face issues that involve Kingdom and Glory. How do I choose best to maximize Kingdom and Glory? What would be best in serving the King? Yes, yes, He can use all the bits we have to offer Him, but I would imagine we would want to offer Him the very best.
And that's the dilemma; wondering what to do next, what's the next step, where's the next path....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree!
We are not done.
They are here, in our midst. In St. Jamestown, on Main St, in Moss Park, in Markham ... we are not squeaky clean. How long will we turn a blind eye to the oppression in our back yard while accusing other nations?
How can I, as a woman who has enjoyed every privilege and freedom this country offers, ignore the sexual enslavement in the massage parlors of suburbia, illiteracy of women in St. Jamestown, the desperation that leads to a blow job in the back of a taxi cab for $20 at Main St and Danforth,the lack of adequate treatment centres for women in our city,the objectifying of women at Queen and Broadview, the rape, abuse and oppression in the homes of my neighbours, intentional starvation egged on by the media image of a perfect body? I am concerned that if we do not see how some of our women live here, we will refuse to see how they are suffering elsewhere.
Julia, every day you make a choice to answer the physical and emotional needs of women (and men) in a way that is dignifying and takes their whole being into account. One day at a time we are His hands and feet in the situations He has put in front of us. We are asked to love and free others with the unique gifts, personalities and experiences He has given us. You are doing this.
I will pray that He gives you a mighty vision in which ALL of you is used to speak His love and presence to the broken hearted.
Love Wendy