Tuesday, January 01, 2008

You want me to go watch I Am Legend????

I must confess, I cannot understand people who can only function within the dimensions of their career and their house. That is to say, can only concern themselves about the very base and ignoble functions of life, and think little, if at all, about larger societal and global issues. To wit: I was recently having a discussion about our First Nations people with some friends, and (though this is a bit patronizing, as we had no aboriginal people among us) discussing how do we get involved, how are institutional structures preventing us from seeing justice done, and what kinds of barriers do we see in accomplishing such goals. In contrast, simultaneously in another part of the city, a friend of mine was stuck in a conversation about Jamie-Lynn and other celebrity tripe (oh heavens!).
It has always been a grave annoyance to me, if not downright aggravation, in trying to have people in the latter group start to think outside of the tiny cultural blinkers one has been given. It makes me wonder whether people really enjoy having their nose stuck to the grindstone, you know, that whole saying that you could be so engrossed in concentrating on your little furrow of dirt in the ground, that you miss seeing the stars in the heavens....

1 comment:

Canadi-Ann said...

i saw 'i am legend' it was pretty good, but i still wouldn't recommend it. :| there are better uses of your time & $$$