Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Myth busters

You know what is a bit deflating? When a certain myth that you've always cherished gets blasted out of the water! I had recently had a discussion with some friends, and they completely demolished one slightly antiquated, though charming, myth that I held dear. Sigh. So, I had to re-orient my worldview and figure out what that meant to my reality. It's unfortunate when you believe something like, say, that peanut butter always tastes better with a touch of jam, but then get jarred to the fact that, no, mustard also goes well with it, as does bacon (what?!?!). How can this be? I've believed that all my life! Now what am I to do?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can you be so surprised that bacon and peanut butter go well together? You used to eat peanut butter and ham sandwiches all the time, or did that fact also get lost in your short term memory?