Saturday, July 04, 2009

99 to 1 odds...

I have been pondering the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin this past week, after a new friend profoundly rocked my world with their views on the matter. The concept of withdrawing from, or deliberately depriving oneself from the comforts of the horde in order to pursue, into the wilderness, the one who is lost is compelling.
It makes one wonder about how to realign our purposes to true purpose. I don't think I can really do it justice. It makes me wonder where I've been setting my priorities and where my heart-treasure lies...

1 comment:

Susan said...

An interesting take on the lost sheep parable is that apparently sheep - being rather small-brained animals - don't necessarily WANT to be found, and fight the shepherd to the point that sometimes he must break their legs to get them to stop resisting his efforts to bring them back into the fold...quite the picture of our little rebellious hearts, and the wonder of a glorious Shepherd who would leave the comforts of heaven to run after us and bring us "home".