Saturday, August 01, 2009

Before the throne of God above...

Prayer becomes increasingly urgent and more pervasive in one's life, if there are things to be desperately appealed to the throne of grace. In the last few days alone, I've been told of people who are imprisoned injustly and being sentenced without trial, of children being taken away from their orphanages to work in their parents' brothels, of those being targeted and assassinated... reports of people that my friends know, love, and work with. People with actual names and histories and families that are personally known by people of the West.
This takes it to a different level than just vaguely praying for 'problems' in other countries and jurisdictions. This makes it personal, for your friend is my friend too.
And, as per the discussion last night, it does make me wonder whether our leisure and comfort impedes us from really living out that passage in I Corinthians that talks of the whole Body suffering when one member suffers...

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