Sunday, March 06, 2011

A City Covenant

You know what I love? Well, many things, really. But one thing that really inspires me is other people who look through a glass, darkly, but can also see beyond it and dream big dreams, and when synergies can come together and cause those dreams to happen.
I'm currently in discussions with one of those dreamers. The initiative is so exciting, and visionary, and possible, holding the potential to change our city for the better, if not the whole country. It actually deeply impresses me when people have huge vision for how Kingdom can come, here and now, and as well as thinking ahead to when it shall come to fulfillment.
At any rate, I've been asked to take part, and help found this initiative. I am embarrassed to think that they think I can actually contribute something useful. What an opportunity to make a tangible difference for this city, however.
More details later (unless, of course, you're one of those people who are in this 'divine conspiracy' as well), but certainly, I am also daunted, not only by my lack of skill, but also with the tasks that still remain, and how to find balance, but also with considering how to give 'all out' for the Kingdom, each and every day...

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