Thursday, February 05, 2009

Musing on pomegranates

I've spent the past hour or so fumbling through a pomegranate. I still have another half to go. Yes, I'm eating a whole pomegranate for dinner - it takes so long to eat one, you hardly have the energy or desire to actually chew anything else afterwards.
I remember as a child being given a pomegranate, split between my sister and I, in order to keep us out of our mother's hair for an hour or so, as we took our grubby little fingers to pry out each small morsel of delight on hot summer days.
A pomegranate is a beautiful thing; a plump, rose-coloured urn, encasing millions of glistening rubies inside! Each piece of fruit, bursting with juice with a slightly crunchy core. Careful dissection of the paper-thin membranes, releasing even more treasure in each portion of pomegranate. Yum!

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