Monday, March 02, 2009

No repeating last year's travesty!

One of the surest signs of spring, to me, is the Seedy Saturday phenomenon. It's been crossing the country over the past few weeks, with people busily exchanging or buying seeds, and learning from others about various aspects of growing food. It's fabulous! This year was even nicer, with knowing quite a lot of people from the booths, so it took me a good 1 1/2 hours just to go around, chit-chatting with everyone!
But what's even more promising is the fact that I have started my winter seedlings. Yes, indeed, they are incubating on top of my refrigerator, waiting for spring. They've been given the very best start (yum! worm casings!), and will hopefully germinate, and do much better than last year.
This year, I've resolved to start everything myself from seed. No seedlings from people I don't know, as that got me into great trouble last summer. But, I am going to vary my crop a bit: a few beans, a few peas, a bit of kale, different lettuces, better canning tomatoes than what I grew last year. I think I'm looking forward to entertaining people this summer with the tasty goodies coming from my garden!
Now, I must admit, I am dreaming of a backyard, or a certain plot of land in merry 'ol England (you know who you are!) that would let me grow corn and onions and house a few chickens. As that is not my lot (literally), I will have to make do with my balcony. But that doesn't stop me from dreaming of all the farming I could do...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man --- I so want to do this too but I don't have a lot of time. My dream is to do an herb garden so I can fresh herbs to do as I please.

Hmmm...maybe I should start that. Got to get me some potted plants.