Monday, March 05, 2007

Every tribe, tongue, every nation

Speaking about community with a good friend almost a year ago now, there are, of course, many obstacles and barriers to make that happen in a viable way. Certainly, I could probably go on about the difficulty there is in finding it, in maintaining and nuturing it, etc.
However, there is greater hope in watching the people of God come together to worship. Even with all our faults, even with all our sins and fumblings. I must say, grooving out to Ugandan singers, vocalizing along with a Jamaican grandmother, and listening with rapt attention to an Indian speaker makes me say, "Wow! Our God is a great and good God!".
In contrast, I do wish the Church here in this corner of the globe would be less ethno-centric, would be more bold, would love more radically, would understand what self-denial really means... I think I can tolerate only so much in dinner parties where the conversation is about where we bought our jeans, or which movies we should go check out, or whether Britney Spears is truly crazy... I can only pray so much for myself as well...

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