Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Life imitating art?

I finally went and bought Vince's new book to read (as I had been hoping all this time that maybe I'd bump into him and get a personally autographed copy... hee hee), and just finished reading it the other night.
Well, wouldn't you know it! I encountered my first cord prolapse last night on call, the night after I had finished reading. Had to jump up and straddle that woman in the bed, hand wedged in to hold up that baby's head, rolling down the hallway on a stretcher, having to transfer with her onto the OR table, and just stuffing my hand in to keep the baby's head back... just like in the book... I thought that was kind of deja vu-ish (though I did think: gosh, at least there's an anesthetist here!)... certainly, by the time I got my hand out of there, I couldn't hold anything properly for about half an hour, but the adrenaline rush of cutting out a healthy baby despite that beats hurtling down a mountain anytime...

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