Thursday, March 08, 2007

Happy International Women's Day

I find it hard to believe that we still need a day to uplift and raise awareness of the plight of women, and I do know that many men complain that there is no reciprocal day for them, but I suspect when the day comes that women no longer have to be slaves, trafficked, prostituted, raped, murdered, kidnapped, forced into poverty, infected with AIDS, left to bring up children alone, oppressed, silenced, tortured, genitally mutilated, cloistered, given off as child brides, afraid to walk the streets at night, labelled as whores or bitches, left defenceless and voiceless, blamed for the crimes committed against them, victimized and held back from the dignified position that they should have as our mothers and our sisters, then, I suppose, there won't be a need for any gender to have a special day anymore.
I must admit, I am quite tired of being labelled a 'feminist' amongst conservative evangelicals for simply believing maybe equality is something to be working towards, that maybe hierarchy just doesn't cut it amongst genders, for hierarchy it is, no matter how you slice it... even reading this makes me laugh, as most of the people I know who aren't con-evs would think it absolutely ludicrous that -I- could even remotely come close to being near the spectrum of feminism...
On the plus side, today I shook the hand of a Nobel Peace Prize nominee.... muchos, muchos gracias, Norma Cruz...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ludicrous indeed