Thursday, April 12, 2007


While on the topic of international conflict, one of my friends pointed out, when he was a child, his playmates determined that grown-ups should deal with international conflict the same way they would in the schoolyard: the leader of country A should challenge the leader of country B to a fight. Clean fighting, no below-the-belt, boxing ring-type matches. That way, if presidents and kings wanted to fight with one another, they could do so directly, and not send their minions in to do the job for them.
Now THAT would be something that I'd want to watch: Can you imagine pudgy Kim Jong-Il taking on George Bush? I think Bush could take him, even though he's the older man. Or Ahmadinejad taking on Tony Blair? Blair could TOTALLY take him. It would change the nature of our conflicts, for sure: no president wants to look foolish alone, so conflict would cease, if we did it the good old way, and had the leaders deal directly with the leaders, mano a mano....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see what you mean by UFC! LOL! Instead of elections, that'd be the preferred way to pick leaders too. :p

I'd fear however... Jet Li, the Chinese President, takes over the world!