Friday, January 20, 2006

Top ten sayings -revised

The Top Ten Things We've Been Saying on this Trip:
1. Daniel Wang: Boooooooo!!!!!!
2. D.W.T.... Holy cow, that was so D.W.T.... and other variations...
3. There were two Xs.... Hey! A Talking X!
4. I HATE the Ladies' line!!!!
5. Poe-tay-toe....
6. Whoa! That's a cutie-patootie!
7. Is it a squatty-potty, or a normal one? A bi-toilet??? Don't forget to roll up your pants...
8. Um... her bum's wet... Ummmm... her bum's naked... I don't think that's right...
9. We have to wait -how long- before our flight? Again? Is there cake? Wanna play hangman? Let's make monkeys!
10. Hack hack cough cough.... ewwwww... my nose is blowing black....

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