Saturday, March 25, 2006

French Patient

Now the adultery count is at seven and eight, though these were completely unprovoked revelations. It's quite sad, how it rips people's lives apart. Number seven was particularly poignant, as this one involved a child, who no longer knows (well, who never knew) their biological parents, sadly. And who will never know their biological father, as he's the one who fled the situation (unsurprisingly and non-shockingly), leaving the biological mother with very little choice. And whose existence has caused a bittersweet aching on their grandparents' hearts for their lost grandchild. The injustice of all these situations involving these supposedly God-fearing men continues to baffle me. I am convinced that God is a God of justice, and He is One who controls all for good, though it takes faith the size of a mustard seed to believe that He will see His justice done, if not now, amongst current circumstance, then in that hazy future that's called trust.
I really hope I don't have to go through the whole European continent...

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