Monday, March 06, 2006

Maybe I've got osteoporosis

Is it possible to injure someone pretty bad after giving them a bear hug? In one of those hugs that half lift you off the ground? I don't understand how it happened, but my shoulder's been half-dislocated, and my ribs are killing me ever since; I can't breathe deeply, I can't push myself off the floor without collapsing again... very strange... I can't even really stand up straight... it's almost contrary to what I'd expect to see in my patients... and, thinking about what I'd advise them in the same situation, I haven't even bothered doing any of it... O Physician, heal thyself...
Interesting thoughts from the other day re: missions, role of nationals, generosity and control of funds. Too numerous to count, though I think, folks, maybe it is an issue of control or lack of trust. Or maybe it's wisdom gleaned from years of experience. I'd like to imagine it's the latter.... though I will rethink it some more...

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