Monday, July 16, 2007

Practising what you preach (or, at least what is preached at you)...

I think sometimes, one of the most difficult things is applying something that you just learned. Sometimes, I find, there is, in fact, MORE opportunity to completely miss the point in some good teaching. What I mean to say is: Isn't it odd when you hear a particularly apt Word, and you think, gosh, that's good and important; I could see how that might apply to me, I should try to remember that for some vague time in the future, but not now, not for me in my current life, but then, WHAM! you find yourself tumbling into situations over and over again that challenge that notion, that forces you to actually take Word seriously, and wonder, wow, this is applicable now, and I totally cannot apply it with any real conviction, rightness or power... sigh...

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