Sunday, July 29, 2007

The story-teller

I think there is great power in narrative. This must be because I am a product of a post-modern generation. As relativistic as narrative may be as a vehicle to transmit truth, I think there is something in all of our souls that resonates with a great story.
I love hearing good stories, and I think it was very encouraging me to hear of three good ones today, even though I had heard two of them previously. However, just as in childhood, there is great comfort in hearing good win and evil defeated in narrative, even if you hear them over and over again.
On the other hand, Jesus was into stories too, big time. He was a super story-teller as well, one of the best in history. Which adds another component - a guy named Glenn I met today fleshed out one of Jesus' best stories, and refreshed its beating heart for me. Journeying with him into the "far country" and back again was a great, though brief, adventure...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just picked up a book today called "The Spirituality of Narnia" by John Bowen (Regent College Publishing). Chapter 1 deals with this whole story/truth thing - what we believe shapes the stories we tell, and the stories we hear shape our beliefs.