Wednesday, September 26, 2007

But I want to be Icarus...

I often wonder if our ability to expand our horizons out into the universe inevitably leads to us requiring to regress temporarily at times in order to regroup. What I mean to say is: Is it inevitable that you need to go through times where it's just hard to care anymore about the big wide world and all you can really do is cope with yourself and your little life and your little issues? It's incredibly frustrating to be squished into a little box and forced to cope in there, with folded wings and clipped feathers, when we are all meant to fly freely... it bothers me muchly when individuals want to be boxed in, to have their blinders on, to put their shoulder to the plow and naval-gaze at the furrows, all the while missing the grand vistas all around them, but when I start doing the same, I think I may go mad...

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