Thursday, September 06, 2007

Holistic thoughts...

Sometimes I wonder whether I could diagnostically be labelled with 'tangential thinking'. It's actually quite a good thing that perhaps I don't lecture/teach/preach much, as I'm not entirely sure I would be able to transmit any concise information in an alloted amount of time. I ramble, I pontificate, I veer off on tangents, and forget what my main point was... circuitous thinking, perhaps? I think perhaps I would have made a great Oxford don, with a tweed cardigan and pipe, sitting in a wingback chair, puffing and pontificating away, while undergrads milling at my feet would nod off, wake up, and realize I still hadn't gone very far in my train of thought... or perhaps I would have been shut up in some grand insane asylum since I could never make very much sense...
This all comes up as a so-called friend accused me of 'thinking like a girl' (um, excuse me? How else would I think?), by which he actually meant (I think) that I couldn't think linearly, logically or rationally. This also comes up as someone asked me to talk about a topic that I think would take me several hours to be able to say anything of import or satisfaction to me, but of which I would only have about five or ten minutes to get a point across.
I'd like to imagine that instead of stating that I can't think linearly, it would be better to say that I can think in starbursts, in diffracting sunlight formations, in ripples of water, and in echoes...

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