Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cultivating richness

I've been out of town for the past week, working, yes, but mainly spending time with farmers and hearing their stories. I am constantly amazed by the dedication and hope behind the people who are busy trying to keep us fed.
Since nothing else particularly has happened to me since my last post (I've pretty much worked every day since then), I figured I'd profile my farmer that makes my oats and my flour. I think I may profile some of my farmers here and there. It has been said that we are so busy having our own accountants, lawyers, dentists and mechanics, that we don't stop to consider that perhaps we should have our own farmers.
This farmer is a young guy, who has surprisingly gone into farming. This is surprising in that many young people are choosing not to do farming, whether for status issues or financial issues, and those who do often can't afford to start, or sustain a farming career. So, with his family's blessing, he has gone to produce some fine heritage wheat, and completely organic grains. In addition, they taste wonderful!
I am really hoping he can sustain a lifelong career with this. He is developing a good reputation for his organic practices, and fine product.

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