Monday, January 05, 2009

England I

So, I haven't exactly written too much yet, mainly because there's not yet much to be said. Having gone through a national holiday and a weekend, I haven't exactly done gobs of work yet. Actually, I've been feeling rather slothful up to this point.
One thing that I've noted about the Brits in general, however, is their unbelief in indoor heating. Partly it's historical; winters are fairly mild here, so the massive amounts of insulation that we put into our homes in Canada doesn't quite compute the same way here, as it is less necessary. I haven't yet actually successfully felt warm since I've arrived in this country, and, to add insult to injury, it started snowing today.
That's probably about it: I've already spent a bit of time in London proper, and realized that I actually knew the downtown core much better than even my British friend did. I think I wasn't kidding when I said I've been to London several times enough to be satisfied as a 'tourist'...

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