Sunday, June 03, 2007

Iiiii wanna beeee..... (with apologies to Delirious?)

I am very puzzled by the notion that a Jesus-person would not want to be an eternity-maker... it doesn't seem to make sense to me, that they could somehow exist as two separate entities one from the other... hearing that assertion that sometimes, maybe we wouldn't want to participating in making this creation a better place, in helping bring about justice for widows and orphans, in bringing a voice to the voiceless, that we would want to be normal, and safe, and fade into the background... that just seems odd and out of place, and frankly, inconsistent, to me...

1 comment:

Lisa L said...

I don't often comment, but I wanted to let you know that you've often posted what I think/feel/am unable to put into words as eloquently as you do.
In other words, I totally agree, it is mind-boggling to see the extent to which the prevailing culture of "me and mine" has overtaken the church/people who purport to be followers of Christ.