Monday, October 29, 2007

The god of mammon

I am really really hating money right now. I hate how it tries to control you, I hate how it makes you fret and worry unnecessarily, I hate how it makes you believe it is indispensible and you can't live without it, I hate how it makes you believe that your worth is tied up in its existence.... actually, looking at that list, money is like a really awful boyfriend... Usually I have a fairly healthy relationship with money (I hope and pray), but I think when you realize you need gobs of it all at once, it's enough to give you a big headache...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crap, I agree.

After not having to worry much about money for a while, I thought I had learned how to be above its control by being relatively conservative in its expenditure. Now, when I'm pressed, I find the concern about it often pre-occupying. Not quite as distanced from its control as I thought I was. Humbling. :(