Monday, June 16, 2008

Bubble girl

Sometimes I think I shouldn't be let outdoors. I was explaining to someone how come I rarely played team sports, and the reasoning essentially comes down to this: I am extremely accident-prone and clumsy. Un-co-ordinated to the nth degree. Case in point: in less than 48 hours, I managed to slice off the end of my thumb and thumb nail, gashed open my ankle on a shopping cart, and bruised my elbow on a pew. And folks, this was from fairly mundane to no physical activity on my part.
Of course, people do remember how I managed to injure myself fairly badly in New Zealand on an ecological project, but I digress... mainly, I should be kept in a bubble of some sort, since I obviously can't seem to keep myself upright and whole if I try to do anything too, uh, dangerous, like grocery shopping or listening to a sermon...

1 comment:

Canadi-Ann said...

oh yeah, banging your elbow on the pew looked like it HURT. :(