Thursday, June 19, 2008

This post doesn't make any sense

I realize that I don't like conflict. Correction: I don't like people being mad at me. I suspect I would quite like conflict, as long as I won (which then, isn't really conflict, but conquest, so I guess it's quite a different thing), but I certainly don't like the aftermath of having people upset about the whole ordeal. This is a logical thing to happen, I suppose, if one insisted on winning all the time.
This is entirely beside the point. Two people I know are upset at me. I've apologized profusely to one (who, thankfully, forgave me, so hopefully isn't too upset anymore), the other one, I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong.
Both situations don't sit well. They just sit in the pit of your stomach and gnaw away at it. I suppose this is how some people get ulcers. Now, I am by no means a people-pleaser, but being temporarily disliked by people that you like, well, sucks, for lack of a better word.
I suppose I have to make another correction again: I don't mind people being mad at me if it's over something that matters not. If I overthrew the moneychanger's tables, and they were upset about that, I think I could take it. I suppose if I joined the Burmese monks in their struggle, and the army didn't like that idea, that wouldn't bother me either. Furthermore, if I had successfully assassinated Hitler, and the Nazis were mad at me, that would be alright. No biggie.

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