Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Too much excitement... can I send some back?

OK, this week, though only being a Wednesday, is just a little bit too much excitement all in one week. Today's big event was my first major car crash! Praise God that it was only me, and I didn't take anybody else down with me. To be honest, it was actually a bit fun, though really fast - kind of like a really cheap rollercoaster. I was toddling onto work, to get there for 10:30am, so I did, in fact, leave at a responsible hour, 9am, to make sure I was going to get there with the weather conditions as they were. However, just as I was about 5km from work, just to get off the highway, I spun out, and around and about, and dodged the median ditch, and swung right around, back and forth across the four lanes of highway several times, to end up smacking my entire driver's side into the snowbanked shoulder!
Frankly, if I hadn't stepped out of my car and noted that I had blown two tires, I would've just turned around and driven the rest of the way to work. However, a parasitical towtruck driver showed up about 45 seconds after I crashed to charge me a ridiculous sum to take me to Canadian Tire (ie the tow cost as much as the tire replacement... hmmm.), which, of course, not being a CAA member, and not being able to drive a two-wheeled car, made it a deal that was impossible to refuse.
I'm only now starting to feel a bit of back pain, though not too much. I know it could've been a lot worse, and it was frankly a miracle that I didn't knock out a few more cars with all the highway I traversed for about half a kilometre, trying to get the car back in control.
Well! Seeing as it's only half-way through the week, I look with trepidation at the rest...


Canadi-Ann said...

See? Not such a bad idea to get a CAA membership - annual fee of $63!

Glad you're ok though, for the most part. Sorry about the brutal fees. :(

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's pretty scary! Was the only thing you hit the snow bank? If so, praise God! That's a crash you can be thankful for. I'm glad you're able to look back on it with positivity!

Bummer about the tow-truck, but taken one way, it's a small price to pay to have a story like that to tell!