Sunday, November 04, 2007

Jordan I

So I spent my first day exploring the city of Amman, and I must say, how come nobody has ever told me about kinafeh before? It is possibly the tastiest dessert I've had in a long time - think baklava, but hot and fresh, with cheese - yummers! I'm going to try to look for it when I return... we ate it hot, straight off the street, with mint tea...
Amman is actually the ancient site where the Ammonites once were - in fact, I saw where Uriah the Hittite was allegedly sent to his death when fighting on behalf of King David. It is a city initially set upon seven hills, though, with the increasing urban sprawl, is up to about 20 hills or so now. The eastern portion of the city is where the Old City is found (which, interestingly enough, I found the souks not nearly as labyrinthine and confusing as in Morocco), and the further east you go, you end up further in Palestinian refugee camp territory. The western portion (which is where I am currently staying) is where the city is sprawling out to, so there are many new townhouse and apartment developments, the rise of the shopping mall, Starbucks and McDonalds... which brings up the interesting point at how "civilization" tends to always head west and my theories as to why that is... but I digress...
That being said, there are many Roman, Ummayad and Byzantine examples of archeology all over the place... I knew I'd see some here, but it seems very interesting to see old Byzantine churches and Roman amphitheatres in the middle of town. Saw several large mosques, several Roman structures, and the biggest flagpole in the world (flying, of course, the Jordanian flag).
Managed also to ride several taxis and a bus (sitting with women, of course) and ate falafel in an alleyway at one of the oldest falafel huts in the city.
The most exciting thing about today, however, was worshipping with the national church. Yes, there were a few Western songs, but most of it was beautifully Arab in flavour. Even MORE exciting than that was actually witnessing the beginnings of a missional movement within the national church... this is terribly exciting! Even if it's only a few small seeds, this is an exciting and promising development!! It thrilled my heart just to see it in its very infancy!


Anonymous said...


Did you get a black eye? We hope you are alright.

Murad & Uli

Jag said...

Hi Julia, Start this comment over again ... sigh ... did not see that i needed to create a google account.

Glad you made it safe and that you are having an adventure! I tried kanufe a few weeks back and too loved it. Apparently, Tabule has the best kanufe in town.

Tabule; 416-483-3747; 2009 Yonge (closer to Davisville)

Stay safe in your travels and from everything I hear never travel alone as a woman - the Middle East is just not safe for that. I'm sure you know that :) Take care.
